隆安潘修平、权鲜枝、金作鹏、郑磊、Rút Tiền 8xBet

隆安潘修平、权鲜枝、金作鹏、郑磊、Rút Tiền 8xBet

2024年1月18日,国际权威法律评级机构钱伯斯(Chambers and Partners)发布《大中华区法律指南2024》(Greater China Region Guide 2024)。同时,在榜单显著位置以中英文发表了Rút Tiền 8xBet律师事务所潘修平、Rút Tiền 8xBet、金作鹏、郑磊、赵建军五位律师联合撰写的文章《刑民交叉金融纠纷案件中合同效力的认定》(https://chambers.com/content/item/5465),现转发如下。

隆安潘修平、权鲜枝、金作鹏、郑磊、Rút Tiền 8xBet

隆安潘修平、权鲜枝、金作鹏、郑磊、Rút Tiền 8xBet












隆安潘修平、权鲜枝、金作鹏、郑磊、Rút Tiền 8xBet

/潘修平 律师/

潘修平律师,民商法学博士,北京市Rút Tiền 8xBet律师事务所高级合伙人、金融委主任,中国银行法学研究会秘书长,银行与金融专业律师。潘修平律师兼具理论与实务能力,先后出版法学专著6部,发表法学学术论文30余篇。潘修平律师2022年、2023年、2024年连续三年蝉联钱伯斯大中华区和全球“银行/金融”榜单。

隆安潘修平、权鲜枝、金作鹏、郑磊、Rút Tiền 8xBet

/ Rút Tiền 8xBet 律师/

权鲜枝,清华工学硕士、芝加哥肯特法学院法硕。曾任最高院知产案专家,现任中国政法大学兼职导师、朝阳律协知产委主任、JIPA讲师、AIPLA GNE联席主席。作为Rút Tiền 8xBet律师事务所高级合伙人,为创业公司、国有企业、上市公司等提供公司治理、信息安全、知识产权、劳动法等法律服务。荣获“中国涉外千人律师”、“2015-2018朝阳区优秀律师”、ALB“2022中国十五佳女律师”。

隆安潘修平、权鲜枝、金作鹏、郑磊、Rút Tiền 8xBet

/ 金作鹏 律师/

北京市Rút Tiền 8xBet律师事务所高级合伙人,金律师毕业于北京大学,执业逾十年,兼具律师、企业法律顾问及上市公司独立董事执业资格。长期服务于央企、国企、上市公司及行业领军企业,涵盖制造、化工、能源、食品、信息科技等诸多行业,在商事法律服务领域承办众多疑难复杂争议解决及交易项目。基于杰出的专业表现,担任Rút Tiền 8xBet商事仲裁法律专业委员会主任,多地市仲裁员、调解员、省级科技项目评审专家和地方机关顾问等职务。

隆安潘修平、权鲜枝、金作鹏、郑磊、Rút Tiền 8xBet

/ 郑磊 律师/

北京市Rút Tiền 8xBet律师事务所合伙人,民革党员,北京市通州区政协委员,中国政法大学金融法研究中心副研究员,自2003年起从事法律相关业务,八年国企经验,涉及领域主要有公司顾问、商事争议解决、金融信托等法律实务研究。

隆安潘修平、权鲜枝、金作鹏、郑磊、Rút Tiền 8xBet

/ 赵建军 律师/







Determination of the Validity of Contracts in Financial Dispute Cases Involving Criminal-civilian Intersection

——Taking Financial Loan Contracts as an Example

In cases of financial loan disputes, the occurrence of a criminal-civil intersection is commonplace. Actions by banking personnel may constitute the offense of illegal loan issuance, while the legal representatives or agents of borrowers or guarantors may be implicated in the crime of loan fraud. When the parties involved have already been convicted, determining the validity of loan agreements and guarantee contracts becomes a contentious issue.

◆ In criminal-civil intersection cases, banks suffer harm in both criminal proceedings and civil litigation.

During the era of the “Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China,” courts often relied on Article 52 of the “Contract Law” to declare loan contracts void when parties concealed an illegal purpose under a legal form. Although the “Civil Code” has removed the provision regarding concealing an illegal purpose under a legal form, courts may now, based on Article 153(2) of the “Civil Code of the People’s Republic of China,” deem loan contracts void if they violate public order and good customs. Alongside declaring the loan contract void, the court will order the borrower to repay the loan principal (deducting the portion recovered in criminal cases). Given the borrower’s incapacity to repay due to the conviction of their legal representatives or agents, enforcing such a judgment becomes challenging. Simultaneously, since the loan contract is void, the guarantee contract is also invalidated, preventing the bank from holding the guarantor accountable.

From a judicial perspective, the viewpoint that the commission of a crime inevitably renders a contract void is not conducive to achieving the criminal law objectives of combating crime and protecting victims. Civil and criminal liabilities are two distinct legal responsibilities with different legal bases and specific scopes of application. The court’s determination of contract validity should be based on provisions in the “Civil Code” and other civil laws regarding the effectiveness of civil legal acts. The subjective aspect of the crime of loan fraud involves intent, while the subjective aspect of the offense of illegal loan issuance involves advertent negligence. Not profiting from illegal conduct is a legislative spirit shared by both criminal and civil law. In terms of values, the court’s determination of the effectiveness of contracts involving criminal acts should correctly apply the law to prevent illegal criminals from benefiting and to avoid causing “secondary harm” to law-abiding parties in civil judgments.

◆When a criminal offense concurrently constitutes civil fraud, a loan contract should be treated as a revocable contract.

Illegal loan issuance by bank staff harms the interests of the bank they work for, and the effects of their actions cannot be attributed to the bank, which does not constitute a crime. When one party to a contract commits financial fraud, causing the other party to make the untrue manifestation of intention during contract formation, this criminal act simultaneously constitutes civil fraud. According to Article 148 of the “Civil Code,” the defrauded party can request the annulment of the loan contract. If the defrauded party does not exercise the right of annulment and there are no other statutory grounds for contract invalidity, the contract should be deemed valid in accordance with the law. If a guarantor, claims exemption from civil liability based on the alleged commission of a crime or a final judgment declaring a crime, the court should determine the guarantor’s civil liability based on the effectiveness of the main contract and the guarantee contract, as well as the degree of fault of the parties involved.

◆ Conclusion

Treating a loan contract as a revocable contract gives the initiative to the bank. The bank is unlikely to assert the annulment of the loan contract, and the annulment period is one year. After this period, the loan contract becomes valid, and the guarantee contract also becomes effective. This approach aligns with the purpose of the parties entering into the contract and protects the interests of the bank as a victim in criminal cases in civil litigation.

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关于Rút Tiền 8xBet

隆安潘修平、权鲜枝、金作鹏、郑磊、Rút Tiền 8xBet

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